PBS4 Strength
Non for profit organisation PBS4 asked us to look at their branding and online presence as well as social media campains. Our first task was to conduct a series of co-design sessions with the wider team to understand the business, market and where they were looking to take the company in the future.
With this information we were able to create a strategy and begin the refresh of the identity being mindful and respectful of the existing legacy of the company. The resulting solution provided a new colour palette, font and unique icon that the company can use in the future.
In addition to the identity we have re-designed constructed a new mobile first website.
In order to drive traffic and remain unique in their sector we have developed a series of campaigns to be used on all media outlets.
Create social and marketing campaign for recruitment

We’re a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and using technology and innovation to help people and companies continue their business trajectories.